Friday, June 12, 2009

How to Jump Higher Fast!

Jumping higher can be done in less time than you think. It will require a little work but imagine how your game would improve if you could increase your vertical leap within just a few short weeks!

I’ll tell you exactly how, but before what you first need to know is what you don't need to do in order to jump higher. What you don't need to do is train for is – Endurance.

Thousands of reps can increase your jumping ability a little. The problem with consistently training and jumping at the same level is that you will not get you to reach the highest vertical leap possible in most cases. You will only increase your stamina to jump at the same level more often! What you need to train for is fast twitch muscle fibers, these are the types of muscles that will help you explode to the basket.

The winning formula for jumping higher is:

Strength + Power = Explosion

This is not a secret. You need to train to explode which means challenging your self to jump higher and pushing yourself to the limit every time you train! You can't afford to waste your time and effort training the wrong way.

When you train specifically for these key elements you can jump higher, faster, and with less work!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How to Jump Higher Faster!

The purpose of this blog is to help those who want to jump higher faster. Regardless of whether you're just trying to be a monster on the court, get respect on the playground, or maybe even take you're game to the next level, you have to train the right way in order to reach your goals. Just be sure to read this article in it's entirety in order not to miss out on all the helpful tips.

Getting Started

First things first, if you are trying to increase your vertical, there are many things to take into consideration. However first you need to address where your current jumping ability is at now. You can't move on to the next level of expertise as far as physical jumping ability is concerned without knowing exactly where you stand to begin with. Why? Because everyone is different.

If you are not in good shape to begin with then you will have to do some strength training until you are strong enough to perform all of the exercises that will help you to reach maximum results.

Additionally if you are overweight then you must get yourself down to a normal weight level before trying to increase your vertical leaping ability.

Sequential Movements

How many basketball players do you know don't practice at all? Probably none right? Bottom line is if you want to jump higher then you have to practice jumping and have some patience. This is where sequential movements come along. There are a certain series of events that help to thrust you into the air. Without getting into to much detail in regards to how they work, I've listed a few exercises (also known as beginners plyo’s) that can help you improve this process by strengthening the key muscles involved in these sequential movements.

NOTE: If you play basketball everyday or every other day then you may be able to start trying these exercises right away, but if you're just getting back into the swing of things, you may want to consider adding a weight lifting routine to you training to get into better training shape first. Weight lifting can also increase your vertical leap even more (if you are lifting at the right weight level). In addition always consult with a doctor to make sure that you are able to perform any exercise routine before attempting any workout, including ones in this article.

Exaggerated Skipping - Skip as you would normally only exaggerate your movements and jump as high as you can with every leap. As soon as you hit the ground, start the next skip. This is also known as power skipping. 3 or 4 sets of about 30 to 35 yards with 2 to 3 days a week is Ideal.

But Kicks - You will simulate a run in place movement but, you will exaggerate the upward movement of your run, touching the heel of your sneakers to your gluts. 3 or 4 sets of about 10 to 20 yards with 2 to 3 days a week is Ideal.

Knee Raises/High Knees - In a standing position you will run in place lifting the knees as high as possible. You can do 3 sets from around 15 to 20 seconds each set 2 to 3 days a week. You can also do this in a running movement. 3 or 4 sets of about 10 to 20 yards with 2 to 3 days a week is Ideal.

Calve Raises - This should probably be done only once or twice a week at most in combination with the other exercises. Calve Raises are not considered beginners plyos, but can help dramatically with your vertical leap. You shouldn't do calve raises more than 2 times a week. There best done with one leg, and for beginners you can do 3 or 4 sets (maximum amount you can do each leg) once or twice a week. Advanced athletes will go for heavier weight and lower reps.

Standing Rim Jumps - At a complete standstill stand directly in front of the basketball rim and jump as high as you possibly can, with the ultimate goal of trying to touch the rim from a standing position. This can be done 2 to 3 times a week in 3 sets of 10 jumps.

Note: Adding a weight lifting routing can help increase gains significantly.

The funny thing is, I used to see these exercises posted all over the internet, but I never tried them because I thought it was all hype. But after trying program after program with no results, I finally tried them for few weeks I saw pretty significant gains - and you can too.

I usually do some beginners plyos with weight training to get my hops. When I played basketball back in high school I didn't really need any training because I was always playing basketball and staying active. Now that I'm older and have a family I can only limit myself to the amount of time that I have to play. So I train as much as I can during the week.

I've tried all the programs that you can think of. I bought the jump shoes, which worked well for speed, but I was training when I was injured so I didn't see much gains so I returned them. I've used the Jump Attack book, which was good as well. I've also used the jump soles which were good too, but again I was injured so didn't see the gains that I wanted. I've even used Air Alert as well but I didn't have to time to complete the whole program. Anyway, not too long ago I've came across the Vertical Jump Development Bible. It's helped me the most out of all the training programs I've tried and is the most comprehensive jump program of all that I've seen so far. There are over 30 separate programs from beginners to advanced. These are not just workouts. They are full programs. Don't let the ugly website fool you when you get there, this program packs a powerful punch. If you're serious about increasing your vertical leap, I'd suggest taking the next 5 minutes to look at the website to see for yourself. It's the only jump training program you'll ever need. Trust me you won't be disappointed. There's some great information at the beginning of the book if you want to know every little detail about jumping, but I'd start at the "how to train" section and then go from there to get started immediately. From there you'll learn how to determine the best program for you and then you can start your training.

To learn more about the Vertical Jump Development Bible program click here.

Workouts And Exercises to Jump Higher

Calve Raises - Standing on a step with your heels hanging over and the balls of your feet supporting all of your body weight, slowly lower your body by stretching the achilles heel and then contract the calve muscles lifting all of your body weight with your calves. This can be done with one foot at a time or two feet.

Leg Presses/Squats - From a standing position, lift the bar off of the squat rack to and bend your knees until you are in a seated position. Then using your lower body, lift the bar and stand up to your original position. The bar should be on your shoulder area near the back of your neck. Once you reach your original position that completes the rep. Leg presses are practically the same but in a seated position and you would be using a machine instead of free weights. Note: You can also do body squats without weight as well.

Dead Lifts - From a slightly bent position you will lean down and grab the weight bar. Next with with a slow motion you will lift the bar without pulling it above your waste. This targets your back and hamstrings.

Leg Extensions - In a seated position you would flex your quadriceps and extend them straight from a 90 degree angle. This is done with machines that provide weighted resistance.

Hamstring Curls - Laying on your stomach you would contract your hamstrings from a 180 degree angle to a 90 degree angle against a weight resistance machine.

Power Cleans - From a bent position you will get close to the bar. With your knees bent you will clean and jerk the bar to the chest area. Then with an upward thrust you will lift the bar over your head in an extended position. Note: you must learn from a trainer how to obtain proper form. This is also one of the best exercises for increasing your vertical leap.

Over The Shoulder Throws - This is a form of plyometrics. You can do this with one arm or two by throwing a medicine ball in an upward motion over your shoulder. Usually this is done with a medicine ball that has a special grip. Note: for two handed over the shoulder throws the grip is not necessarily needed.

Back Extensions - Laying on your stomach you will arch your back lifting your head and upper chest above the ground.

Crunches - Laying on your back with your your feet on the floor and your knees bent, lift your head and upper back off of the ground while contractign your abs, but not as high as a sit up.

Reverse Crunches - Laying on the ground with your legs in a straight position, bring your knees as close to your chest area as possible. This helps work on the lower abs.

Exaggerated Skipping - Skip as you normally would except on each hop you want to jump as high as possible.

But Kicks - In a standing position run in place and extend your kicking motion so that the heel of your shoe taps your buttocks.

High Knees - In a standing position you will run in place and raise your knees in an exaggerated movement so that your knees get as high as possible.

Stadiums - Run up and down stadium stairs. You can do a combination of skipping a step on one set and then every step on another. Advanced athletes can even try doing half a set or a whole set with one leg (going up only).

Get HUGE Gains in Your Vertical Leap With Over 30 Explosive FULL Programs - With or Without Weights!

Do Genetics Matter?

The purpose of this article is to help those who are interested in learning how to jump higher fast and also to determine whether or not genetics plays a factor. While there are many ways to increase your vertical leaping ability some may have it easier than others. Why? The answer is genetics.

What Are Genetics?

Genetics are passed down from generation to generation. They are part of the physical characteristics for the most part that are given to you from generations before you.

Why Are They Important?

They are important to a certain extent. People with good genetics will tend to have less of a hard time achieving physical accomplishments then those that do not.

Do Genetics Matter?

Yes and No. Genetics do matter to a certain point however, with proper training even someone with inferior genes can perform better then one with good genetics with a little hard work and determination.

What Do Genetics Have to Do With Your Jumping Ability?

While genetics in general don't totally decide on how high you'll jump, there is a definite contributing factor that has to be took into consideration. This has to do with the overall percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers in comparison to the slow twitch.

The fast twitch muscle fibers are going to contribute more to your jumping ability than your slow twitch as they have more to do with fast movements. Slow twitch muscle fibers are going to contribute to your overall strength. Therefore people with more fast twitch muscle fibers than others will tend to jump higher then those with slow twitch.

Although genetics can play a role in how high you jump, strong will and drive can overcome that small obstacle. You can overcome the genetic factor by training smarter and harder! Don't let genetics keep you down, learn to jump higher faster today!

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Do Your Calve Muscles Even Matter?

The purpose of this article is to evaluate the extent of which the calve muscles are able to make you jump higher. Do your calve muscles even matter? Of course they do but the question is how much. If you look at some of the highest jumpers, including Michael Jordan, Spudd Web, and Vince Carter one of the first things that you would say is that the do not have large calve muscles in comparison to builders.

So Why do They Jump So High?

Well there’s a lot of reasons why. Aside from the fact that they have been on the basketball court for years and the fact that they work out with trainers it also has a lot to do with genetics. More specifically muscle fibers. Fast twitch muscle fibers are the type of muscle fibers that relate to fast muscle movements and help you jump higher. So it is not the fact that their calve muscles are bigger than others, but more importantly the type of overall muscle fibers they have throughout their entire body and the muscles that are directly related to the jumping movements.

Can you Train for fast Twitch Muscle Fibers?

You can train for fast twitch muscle fibers. So even though you may be at a disadvantage to those with good genes, you can jump just as high as those with fast twitch muscle fibers and maybe even higher with a little hard work and determination.

Jumping Higher: Is It All In The Quads?

The purpose of this article is to examine the one of the muscles that help one to jump higher fast. The quadriceps also know as quads, are one of the most powerful muscles that involve jumping. But are they the most important muscle to train? No

The reason why your quads are not the most important muscle to train is because all muscles should be trained equally. If you spend too much time training your quads you will miss out on training other muscles that can collectively have a greater affect than if you were to just train calf muscles on your own.

Think about when you jump. Forget about your lower body for a minute. What other muscles do you use? Do you jump with your arms to your side or do you use them in a swinging motion? I’m guessing you swing your arms like most normal people do.

With that in mind let me propose another question. How many people do you know work out there arms for jump training? Probably not to many. By strengthening your upper body and the swinging motion that you use in order to jump you will be come a much more explosive jumper. This is of course assuming you already have a strong foundation to begin with. But all things being equal, you’ll be doing what 90% of your competitors are not!

In conclusion don’t get caught up in all of the hype of only improving one area of your body to increase your vertical leap, whether it be your calves, quads, hamstrings or other. Have an overall approach to increasing your vertical leap. That will prove to be the most effective way to jump higher fast!


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The information hear at is for informational purposes only. Any damages ending as a result of using information on this site will be sole responsibility of the end user. will not be held liable for the use or damages that may the end user may receive by using the information on this site. One should always speak with a physician and get checked out before even considering any type of workout or jumping activities to make sure that they are in well enough condition to perform any and all types of physical activities. Information on is considered "as-is."

Jump Higher by Getting Your Core Muscles Stronger

The purpose of this article is to help one under stand how strengthening the core muscles of your body can help you to jump higher. After reading this article one should be able to understand which core muscles to optimize in order to achieve maximum results fast.

When you first think about increasing your jumping ability, you probably think about your lower body strength first and how improving them will make you jump higher. And it will, however what’s often left out is improving and strengthening the core muscles.

Your abs and your back are a part of the core muscles that are often left out of the equation, giving those that are serious about increasing their vertical leap an edge.

The reason why is simple. When you jump the more stable you are when you are taking off the higher you will jump. Additionally and probably more importantly as well the back and abs also provide support and thrust when you jump as well.

Adding simple exercises such as crunches, sit ups, leg lifts and reverse crunches to your workout routine can all help to add height to you jumping max.

In conclusion one should have learned from reading this article that the in order to achieve maximum results with your jumping ability you have to think outside the box. In order to beat your competitors you have to strengthen all areas that involve the leaping motions. Your chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. Strengthen all your links and you will become an unstoppable force on the court. All it takes is some hard work and determination.


How to Apply Weight Lifting to Increase Your Jumping Ability

The purpose of this article is to show one how weight lifting can help you jump higher faster. After reading this article one should be able to understand how using simple exercises can help to increase your vertical leap.

After years of not touching a weight and only improving my vertical leap by playing basketball and maybe doing a few calve raises here and there I decided to use weights for the first time. The results I had were amazing, once I found out what exercises gave me the most gains in my jumping ability.

Although you can increase you vertical leaping ability without weights you increase your jumping ability even more with the power of free weights. You have to know which workouts to do though and more importantly how to do them.

The key for jumpers when working out is not to apply to much heavy weight lifting. Additionally working out too light can cause you not to see any gains either. If your first starting out you have to develop a core strength first. Usually weights that you can do 10 reps with is a good core strength routine. Afterwords you want to move up to heavier weights. Weights that you can lift maybe 6-8 reps.

After you’ve developed a good core strength you also want to max out all of the major muscles for jumping. You should only max out however two or three times a month at most and it should always start at the beginning of the week.

It’s important to max out because you can not achieve significant gains without fully challenging your muscles. The key however is not only to achieve maximum strength. You want to also gain explosion. And you can only due this with explosive exercises, such as beginners plyos and power cleans.

Power Cleans are a total body workout that provide you with all of the necessary movements needed for increasing your vertical leap. It’s the ultimate workout for those that are serious about jumping higher, however it does require use of a gym or a bench press barbell that you can use for the exercises.

If you don’t have the right equipment then don’t worry there are tons of workouts that you can incorporate weight training techniques without actually owning any weights. You just have to get a little creative.

You can increase your jumping ability easily however it does take is a little action, and a plan that works along with a little dedication. For more information I highly recommend you check out the top rated Vertical Jump Development Bible program.

Using Platform Shoes to Increase Your Vertical Leap

The purpose of this article is to explain how the use of platform shoes can help you jump higher faster. While you can increase you vertical leaping ability with platform shoes there are some pros and cons that should be noted.

Platform shoes work by helping you focus more weight on the balls of your feet. They help to stretch out your achilles heel in addition to strengthening your calf muscles more effectively by isolating the calve muscles in virtually every workout you do.

While they do work from my experience there are some pros and cons to consider before using this type of workout. First of all if you are not in good to great basketball shape you simply will not see the results you want. You can not be overweight and expect to jump 5 to 10 inches higher. I don't mean to offend anyone but that's just the truth.

While they may not be for those that are overweight, I can say that another great benefit of using platform shoes is that they also make you incredibly quicker as well. Even if you are overweight it would be hard to imagine that you would not gain any speed from jumping platform shoes products.

Moreover you do not need platform shoes to receive incredible gains in your jumping ability. The workouts that you do by them self alone can definitely improve your performance.

Additionally some platform shoes can be quite expensive. Increasing your vertical leaping ability, however just doesn't have to be.

Platform workout shoes are defiantly effective, however there are plenty of programs out there that will give you more value then simply slaping on a pair of shoes.

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Should you use one leg or two?

The purpose of this article is to help one know how to jump higher and whether or not jump training for one leg or two would be best. After reading this article one should be able to better understand the difference between one legged jumpers and two legged jumpers and also what types of workouts would be best for each.

Assessing Your Situation

You must first determine what type of jumper you are naturally in order to determine what type of training you should do. Training as the wrong type of jumper can still help you to increase your vertical leap, however you will not improve your results nearly as much as if you were to train according to the type of jumper you are.

What Kind of Jumper are you?

If you have been playing sports for a while then you probably already know what type of jumper you already are. However a simple test can also test what type of jumping method you use naturally. Set a target and try to reach your target with both one and two legged jumps. The type of jump that allows you to reach your mark or closest to it is the type of jumper you are.

One Legged Jump Training

One legged jump training is going to involve exercises that simulate the take off of a one legged jumper. Lunges, calve raises, but kicks, and Skipping exercises are great for one legged jumpers.

Two Legged Jumpers Training

Two legged jumping exercises are similar to one legged exercises in that you are also simulating the jumping activity. Great workouts for two leg jumpers involve body squats, calve raises, rim jumps and bounds.

One also as to keep in mind the type of sport they are increasing there vertical jumping ability for. If your sport is volleyball then generally two legged jump training is what you would want to concentrate on.

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Upper Body Strength

The purpose of this article is to help one become more knowledgeable about strength and conditioning training for the upper body that can help one to jump higher faster. After reading this article one should be more knowledgeable about how increasing upper body strength can improve your leaping ability.

One of the most important factors of jump training is being able to have a total body workout as opposed to a one dimensionally one. Most people train the most obvious muscles in order to jump higher and that's fine because it works however, many people often overlook or forget about upper body workouts.

Jumping is not just a lower body motion. If you stop and think about it for a second one of the first things you do before you jump is take your arms back to swing for momentum. With this in mind, by training the muscles to swing faster and more efficiently can can add to your vertical leap.

By analyzing the type of movements that are involved with jump training one can realize that some of the muscles that make this possible are the traps, front and rear deltoids, abs and back. Concentrating on improving the quickness of these muscles when jumping is a sure way to increase your vertical leap even more.

Lower Body Strength

The purpose of this article is to help one understand how lower body strength can help to you jump higher faster. After reading this article one should be able to better understand how jump training works and also what exercises to use to help increase your vertical leap in the shortest amount of time possible.

When weight training to increase your jumping ability you must first know exactly where you stand, before getting started. If you have never lifted weight's before then you have to build up a nice core strength before attempting some of the more advanced methods.

When working out the lower body you must also consider type of work out you are doing as well as the amount that you are lifting in addition to the amount of reps you life. If for example you train to heavy then you will get stronger but you will not have any gains. The same can happen if you train too light.

What's best is after you've developed a good core strength is to find somewhere in the middle, between light and heavy to lift. Eight to ten reps is good about two to three times a week. You want to also be cautions about over training as well. Additionally 4 to 6 sets would be ideal.

On the days that you work out you should also incorporate one or two explosive jumping exercises as well, such as skipping, but kicks. These are explosive exercises and can help to combined the strength of weight lifting with the power of training the fast twitch muscle fibers when performing the explosive exercises. As you improve you can start to customize your own workouts.

For a list of lower body excersies click here . 2008

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